Facilities : Multi-purpose sports centre, multi-purpose hall, lecture theatres, computer laboratories, design studios, training kitchens and canteen, multi-media classrooms, etc.
Facilities : Hall, classrooms, library, computer room, conference room, virtual office, language laboratory, multi-media production studio, drawing and painting studio, household service room, technology room, basketball courts (on the ground and rooftop), soccer pitch, etc
Facilities : Classrooms, seminar/tutorial rooms, lecture theatres (200 seats), aviation centre, gymnasium, swimming pool, open car park, amphitheatre, canteens, etc
Facilities : Lecture theatres, seminar rooms, classrooms, industry-standard laboratories, the Healthcare Innovative Training Centre, the Accounting and Business Centre, the Child Education Centre for Teaching and Learning, the Multi-media Audio and Video Studio, the Digital TV and Broadcasting Laboratory, the Learning Resources Centre, the Centre for Independent Language Learning, multi-purpose gymnasium, basketball court, etc