Junk Bay Chinese Permanent Cemetery is built on Chiu Keng Wan Shan to the east of Yau Tong, covering an area of approximately 285,000 sq m. It overlooks the area of Tseung Kwan O as well as the Eastern District of Hong Kong. The cemetery is also facilitated with a columbarium and a Garden of Remembrance.
Call Senior Officer (Operations Support1) before sending in the application form to relevant board of management via the Film Services Office. Applicants must provide synopsis of the film, descriptions and scripts of the relevant scenes, and a copy of the public liability insurance cover.
Processing time : at least 10 working days
Longer processing time may be required for complicated cases.
First 4-hour session : $8,000
Each subsequent 4-hour session or part thereof : $2,000
Fees are to be paid before filming and the fees cannot be refunded.
Applicants shall effect a public liability insurance in the sum of $5 million in the joint names of the Board of Management of the Chinese Permanent Cemeteries and the applicant at their own expense.
Compliments to the government and public bodies that have agreed to consider applications to hire premises or facilities under their management for location filming.