Cattle Depot Artist Village occupies an area of 0.7 hectare. The depot comprises several red brick structures of colonial style. A few of them are simply without any partition but a low wall to divide the structure into 2 parts. The roofs of these single-storey buildings are either gable ones or in segmental arch. In addition, there are some covered sheds for the animals. The office building is a 2-storey red brick structure with a small balcony and wooden staircases. The depot is a Grade II historic building.
Apply to relevant department(s) by sending in the application form in advance of the filming date via the Film Services Office, with information on the company, location, date, time, title of the production, nature of filming, release date and the channel(s), synopsis of the film, descriptions of the scene, size of the crew, props set to be used, equipment list, use of government power supply and details of the use of any explosives and/or inflammable materials.
Processing time : Normally 7 working days for simple/straightforward cases and payment by cash. 10 or more working days for complicated cases such as those involving consultation with relevant government departments/ property owners etc., and/or payment by cheque.
$6,870 (basic charge) for the first 4 hours and $1,935 for each subsequent 4-hour block.
Additional fees will be charged for the operational costs of administering the filming activities.
Compliments to the government and public bodies that have agreed to consider applications to hire premises or facilities under their management for location filming.