Tung Ping Chau is also known as Ping Chau. There is only one public pier with 5 berths located in Wong Ye Kok near the centre of the island, mainly serves for ferries and pleasure vessels. Improvement works on the pier was completed in 2007, including the construction of a 33 metre long and 5.5 metre wide catwalk, installation of handrails and construction of a roof cover. The simple design of the new pier matches well with the natural environment of the Marine Park.
No application is required. Please complete the notification form of location filming in public areas and send it by fax to Police Public Relations Wing for record. (Note: Filming should not disturb/obstruct other users of the public pier. Apply to the Film Services Office if filming will occupy the place for exclusive use.)
Compliments to the government and public bodies that have agreed to consider applications to hire premises or facilities under their management for location filming.